open house at Langzauner
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Open House

Wir freuen uns, für Sie am Samstag 06. April 2024, die Türen zu öffnen. Von 10 – 17 Uhr haben Sie die Möglichkeit das Unternehmen zu besichtigen, und einen Einblick in die 100-jährige Geschichte von Langzauner zu bekommen.
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Apprentice day out 2023

Every year the organization of the apprentice day out is in the hands of the 3rd year apprentices.
Langzauner Rad-tritt-Kulinarik-9

Bike meets culinary

On May 1, 2023, the municipality of Eggerding invited to a very special event. Under the Motto "Bike meets Culinary", curious pedal riders could complete a culinary tour and get to know regional marketers from the surrounding area directly.
Langzauner Kegeln Gruppenbild
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A night for Langzauner that “bowled everyone over”

Recently, 60 highly enthusiastic members of our staff had the opportunity to take part in a fun, lively and convivial nine-pin bowling competition held in the Laufenböck inn in Riedau, near Lambrechten in Upper Austria where we are based. The inn opened specially to ...
Langzauner Firmenjubilare 2022
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Company Anniversaries 2022 – Langzauner GmbH

As has been the tradition at Langzauner for years, long-serving employees were honoured again this year during the Christmas party.
Langzauner Adventmarkt Feuerschale
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Langzauner Advent market

Every pre-Christmas tradition was served at the Advent market. St. Nicholas and his horse-drawn sleigh, various culinary booths and many more
Das Oktoberfest bei Langzauner

Oktoberfest at Langzauner

The production team organized an Oktoberfest for all colleagues again this year and invited them to enjoy a beer together after work.
Siegermannschaft Langzauner

Works outing from Langzauner

Works outing from Langzauner with alpine curling ...

Family party at Langzauner

The race - This was the family party 2019...
Elektriker Mechatroniker

Successful Long Night of Apprenticeship

This was the Long Night of Apprenticeship 2019 ...
Spatenstich Neubau
Lange Nacht der Lehre

Night of Apprenticeship

Long night of apprenticeship ...
Langzauner Skifahren Flachau 2019
Langzauner Kegeln

Langzauner Bowling

Langzauner Bowling Evening ...
Rennfahrer Sommerfest

Summer Party at Langzauner

Langzauner in racing fever - Impressions from the summer party ...
LZ Skiausflug Wachau 2018
Mädelsausflug nach Wien

Langzauner Girls Trip to Vienna

Cultural trip and musical visit in Vienna of our Langzauner girls ...
Ski- und Wellnesstag

Langzauner – Ski and Wellness Day

On February 12, 2017, 40 employees of the company Langzauner ...