Apprentice day out 2023

Every year the organization of the apprentice day out is in the hands of the 3rd year apprentices. This has been a tradition for many years.
Always on board is Reinhard Berger, apprentice representative at Langzauner, and Thomas Witzmann, managing director and main sponsor of the day.
This year the trip started in Linz, because “Linz is where it all begins”.

The rather tight program started at 9 am at the “Limonistollen”. For centuries, the sandstone hills to the west of Linz have been used for beer and wine cellars. During World War II, existing cellars were converted into huge, kilometer-long air-raid shelters.

Impressed by the subterranean dimensions, the group had lunch at the Liesl before continuing to the Escaperoom. Points were collected, various rooms were explored and the winning team was determined.
After a short ride, everyone unpacked their crash helmets and was able to live out their racing talents at the go-kart track in Wels. In two groups they drifted for all they were worth. In the end, Markus Witzmann decided the race in his favor!

The excursion ended at the Oberwirt in Lambrechten, a perfect start to the weekend, as everyone found.
