Mutprobe für neue Mitarbeiter, die ein Weihnachtslied vortragen
Langzauner Schweisserei groß
open house at Langzauner
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Open House

Wir freuen uns, für Sie am Samstag 06. April 2024, die Türen zu öffnen. Von 10 – 17 Uhr haben Sie die Möglichkeit das Unternehmen zu besichtigen, und einen Einblick in die 100-jährige Geschichte von Langzauner zu bekommen.
Automatisierungstechnik-Team von Langzauner
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Automation technology at Langzauner: a closer look at our specialist department

With 9 control engineers, SPS and robotics experts, the department of automation solutions at Langzauner has grown significantly over the last few years.
Langzauner SP-50-SO

Glass fiber chassis springs: Rheinmetall produces innovative product with LZ screw press

The international technology company Rheinmetall has opted for a screw press from Langzauner PERFECT for the production of innovative glass fiber chassis springs.
Langzauner Lehrlinge
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New in Team Perfect:

5 apprentices started their training at Langzauner! The future specialists from the fields of mechanical engineering, mechatronics and electrical engineering ...
Refratechnik und Langzauner Handshake

Special solutions – the core competence of Langzauner

Langzauner PERFECT hat sich vom Anbieter klassischer Hydraulikpressen zum Experten im Sondermaschinenbau weiterentwickelt.
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Plant master graduates with distinction!

Recently, two new employees can call themselves masters of their trade.
Langzauner Kontrukteure
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Design at Langzauner: a short portrait of our department

Employing as it does 20 designers, our design department is the most rapidly expanding section at Langzauner.

“Bolt-on injection unit“ from Langzauner and ENGEL

Langzauner presses can be simply supplemented with an bolt-on injection unit from ENGEL. Thermoplastic fibre composite preforms – for example thermoplastic ...
Asphalt Ortsmeisterschaft 2023
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Asphalt-local championship 2023

The annual local championship of the ESV Lambrechten took place on 25 February. Both Langzauner teams presented themselves ...
Short-stroke presses from Langzauner
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Multiprocess-capable short-stroke presses from Langzauner

With the multi-process short-stroke press, Langzauner has created a system that is unique in terms of accuracy and frequency.
Mehretagen Hydraulikpresse Langzauner
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Hydraulic multi-daylight presses: from Lambrechten to Mexico

From the Innviertel region out into the wide world – many of the projects undertaken by Langzauner Perfect can be described with these words, one of which involves a hydraulic multi-daylight press providing 400 tonnes press force developed for a Mexican aerospace business.
Langzauner Firmenjubilare 2022
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Company Anniversaries 2022 – Langzauner GmbH

As has been the tradition at Langzauner for years, long-serving employees were honoured again this year during the Christmas party.
Langzauner Adventmarkt Feuerschale
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Langzauner Advent market

Every pre-Christmas tradition was served at the Advent market. St. Nicholas and his horse-drawn sleigh, various culinary booths and many more
Pultrusionsanlage Lanzauner
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Pultrusion lines from Langzauner

With pultrusion lines from Langzauner, fully automated large-scale production of composite parts is raised to a new level.
Meisterprüfung Langzauner
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Master craftsman’s examination for metal technicians

Three of our employees have passed the master craftsman's examination for metal technicians.
Das Oktoberfest bei Langzauner

Oktoberfest at Langzauner

The production team organized an Oktoberfest for all colleagues again this year and invited them to enjoy a beer together after work.
Langzauner welcomes learners of HTL Andorf
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HTL Andorf on school trip to Langzauner

The pupils of HTL Andorf got a good insight into our world of presses, equipment and of course Team Perfect!
Langzauner JECWORLD


The Aerospace & Defence Meetings in Seville constitute the most important event for the Spanish aerospace and defence industries.


Everything by Langzauner: from concept to commissioning...